Thursday, 29 May 2014

Our First @KidsCafeNZ Twitter Chat!!

Today we had our first Kids Cafe Twitter chat. Thank you to all the classes that participated in the chat today. Also congratulations to all the classes that created workshops for our first Kids Cafe. If you have photos you would like to see on the blog you can tweet them to @KidsCafeNZ and we will upload them. 

Here are the tweets from today's Twitter chat. 

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Kids Cafe Workshop Presentations

Check out the awesome Kids Cafe workshop presentations put together by an awesome bunch of kids across NZ, Canada and Malaysia. 

Monday, 26 May 2014

How to Join the Twitter Chat

As you know the last week of Kids Cafe is your opportunity to host your own Kids Cafe Day in your class. On the Friday of that week there will be a Twitter chat that all classes are invited to join. The Twitter chat will take place at 10.00 am and will run for 30 minutes. The purpose of the chat is for students to reflect on their experience of Kids Cafe, provide feedback to other students about their presentations and discuss how we could further improve Kids Cafe for next time.

To participate in the Kids Cafe chat you need to join the Kids Cafe Twitter list and subscribe. Here's how you can do that...

  1. Send a tweet to @Kidscafenz asking for your class to be put on the list. This will be done within 24 hours. 
  2. Click this link - and then click 'subscribe' on the left hand side. 
  3. When it's the Friday chat open up the Kids Cafe list by clicking here -

Then you will easily be able to follow the tweets from all of the classes tweeting about Kids Cafe. We use a list instead of a hash tag as it ensures that we don't receive any spam during our chat. 

Here are the questions for the Friday Kids Cafe Twitter chat... 

  1. What workshops did you participate in during Kids Cafe Day?
  2. What did you learn?
  3. What was your favourite part about participating in Kids Cafe?
  4. Give a piece of positive feedback to the person who created the workshop you participated in. Remember to tag their class Twitter account in your tweet. 
  5. How could they improve their workshop if they did it again? Remember to tag their class Twitter account in your tweet. 
  6. Have you got any photos you would like to share of your Kids Cafe Day?

Can't wait to see you all at our next Twitter chat!! :) 

Monday, 19 May 2014

Kids Cafe Day

Next week is Kids Cafe Week! It's your opportunity to organise and run your own Kids Cafe Day in your classroom. How are you planning to do Kids Cafe in your class? How can we make Kids Cafe Day awesome? Share your ideas on the Padlet. Be creative! Your class might even come across an idea you hadn't thought of yet. 

Don't forget you have until Friday 23rd May to upload your presentations. 

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Kids Cafe Topics #1

Check out the awesome topics for the first Kids Cafe!! Remember you now have two weeks to create your tutorials. Tutorials need to be uploaded to the Google Presentation by Friday 23rd May. You can upload your tutorial here:

Topics for the first Kids Cafe

Workshops by Matarau School, Whangarei, NZ - @room8smarties
Year 4
Teacher - Simone Gentil @simone015

*How to take care of turtles (Red Eared Sliders)
* Dinosaurs
* How to knit
* Creating a bee garden
* Designing a frog habitat
* How you can help your local SPCA or animal shelter
* Hands on maths games
* Caring for horses

Workshops by Roseau Valley School, Dominion City, Manitoba, Canada 
- @rvsgrade3 Grade 3
Teacher - Jennifer Collette @jennmarieco

* How to do kart wheels and hand stands
* How to play farm stimulator
* How to play Hot Cross Buns on a recorder
* Flicking a ring in the air
* How to do soccer tricks
* How to play “Marisska’s Song” on recorder
* How to Play “Indian Dance” on piano.
* How to draw Minecraft characters
* Yoyo tricks
* How to put make up on

Workshops by Vardon School, Hamilton, NZ - @Vardonroom7
Year 3 and 4
Teacher - Marcelle Natusch @MNatusch

* 5 minute chocolate cake
* Cheerleading
* How to kick a rugby ball over a goal post
* How to do a head stand
* Maori phases
*How to use iMovie
* How to make poi
* Rugby skills
* How to make a chocolate cake
* Features of a cave

Workshops by Spreydon Primary, Christchurch, NZ - @ChCh_based
Year 5 and 6
Teacher - Ruth Duke-Norris @ChCh_based

* How to play netball
* How to play football
* Dinosaurs
* War
* St John
* Getting involved

Workshops by EIS International School, Malaysia - @EISGrade5
Year 6 (Grade 5)
Teacher - Richard Stuart @richdstuart

* Football and basketball skills
* How to make a castle in Minecraft
* How to cook fried rice
* How to make ‘skylanders’ cardboard characters
* How to make a hamburger
* Dolphins
* How to make a Turbo Pig Cannon in Minecraft

Workshops by Springston School, Canterbury, NZ - @coolkiwikids
Year 4/5
Teacher - Allana Taylor @kiwiallana

* Caring for puppies
Dance moves
* Samoan Greetings
* Bike Tricks
* Play the Ukulele
* Minecraft for beginners PE
* Build a house in Minecraft PE
* Tractor training
* French Plait
* Care for rabbits
* How to make crystals

Workshops by Beachlands School, Auckland, NZ - @beachlands19ers
Year 5 and 6
Teacher - Megan Croll @megancroll1

* How to make clothes for pets
* How to score a simple goal in soccer
* Finger knitting
* Creating a game
* Handball
* How to add numbers with three decimal places
* How to draw

Workshops by Marsden Primary, Wellington, NZ - @marsdenwgtn
Year 6
Teacher - Callie Ballara @periwinkle007

* How to make a paper hat
* How to make fairy lights
* How to draw cartoon characters
* How to make sherbet